Tuesday, 19 March 2013

PND - Post Natal Depression

I have been "diagnosed" with PND. I should be happy to finally have a diagnosis, but instead it makes it worse. I am more angry, more upset and more frustrated than I was before.
I keep thinking "Why wasn't this picked up earlier? How the heck can a doctor say I was borderline for PND in November while the counselor I'm seeing tells me that I have had it since my son was born in December 2008?
How the heck does this happen? I am angry with the doctor, frustrated with my counselor for pushing me to take antidepressants, and upset because now it's official, I have Post Natal Depression.
I'm over it.
I need a break.
A holiday... without kids, without the hubby. Just some time for me and only me, where I can relax and not have to worry about the kids, or listen to them scream, yell, cry, or watch them hit each other - with fists or toys - where I don't have to change and wash nappies all day every day, or give them food/breastfeed constantly. A holiday where I am alone and no one is relying on me.
That would be the ideal, but it won't happen. In just under 2 months I will be flying up to Queensland with all 3 kids and leaving hubby at home for a whole month.
Hubby owes me big time for this!

That is all.

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