As the title says Miss Em is in hospital, she was admitted on wednesdat night with suspected gastro, a fever and dehydration with a lot of tummy pain. its friday now and she isn't feeding much either.
Yesterday she lost 50 grams in weight in just under 12 hours, and last night he paediatrician said that if she wasn"t picking uptoday and gaining weight again they would be inserting a nasogastric tube to feed her.
I am also having to express allfeeds for her to have bottles now instead of breastfeeding so that they can see how much she is taking in, and its scaring me because normally in rhe morning she would have at least 300ml (I can express approx 150ml from each breast first thing in the morning) and today all she has had so far is 175ml.
At least the fever has gone down now so that is a good thing, and she hasn't had any diarrhea yet today either.
And now we are going home with instructions to treat her for oral thrush (which came up yesterday morning) and that if she gets worse again or starts to have bad diarrhea again we are to bring her back in.
Well thats it for now, have to get ready to go home.
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