Sunday, 11 November 2012


I haven't updated in a while as things have been busy so I'll do a quick recap.

Mattt went on the Barry Sheen run to Phillip Island and the moto GP last month and had a blast. It was hard being on my own with all 3 kids and I was really stressed out while he was gone, so much do that I had a gallstone attack the night before he got home and was in hospital for around 6 hours.

After he got back I had an ultrasound which showed 3 visible gallstones measuring 1cm to 1.25cm in size, and my GP told ke it wasnt bad enough to fo anything yet and to just keep going as normal. I had another 5 gallstone attacks in the space of 8 days,after that first one, the last attack was in the early hours of the morning last tuesday, only 6 days ago, and even morphine didn't take the pain away so I went in for emergency surgery at 1:30pm on tuesday afternoon.
I wasn't able to express or feed Emily for over 24 hours so my supply has suffered and I am slowly trying to build it back up.
So today I am 6 days post surgery and still in pain, I can't relax or take it easy like I am supposed to because Matt has to work and I have to look after the kids.

My family isn't helping at all, my Mother-in-Law took the kids for a few days for hich i am extremely grateful, but my side of the family couldnt really care less except my mum, dad and aunt who are all busy with work and can't get down here to help.
My stepmum hasnt even bothered to calk up and ask how I am goung or visit, I'm ready to write off most of my family right now.

Anyway that is all for now.